Thursday, May 21, 2020
Tracing the History and Genealogy of Your Home
Have you ever wondered about the history of your house, apartment, church or other building? When was it built? Why was it built? Who owned it? What happened to the people who lived and/or died there? Or, a favorite question as a child, does it have any secret tunnels or cubbyholes? Whether youre looking for documentation for historic status or are just plain inquisitive, tracing a propertys history and learning about the people who have lived there can be a fascinating and fulfilling project. When conducting research on buildings there are usually two types of information that people search for: Architectural facts, such as date of construction, the name of architect or builder, construction materials, and physical changes over time.Historical facts, such as information on the original owner and other residents through time, or interesting events associated with the building or area. A house history may consist of either type of research, or be a combination of both. Get to Know Your Home Begin your search by looking closely at the building for clues about its age. Look at the type of construction, the materials used in construction, the shape of the roofline, the placement of the windows, etc. These types of features may prove useful in identifying the architectural style of the building, which helps in establishing the general construction date. Walk around the property looking for obvious alterations or additions to the building as well as roadways, paths, trees, fences, and other features. It is also important to look at nearby buildings to see whether they contain similar features which will also help to date your property. Talk to relatives, friends, neighbors, even former employees - anyone who might know something about the house. Ask them not only for information about the building, but also about former owners, the land upon which the house was built, what existed at that location prior to construction of the house, and the history of the town or community. Check family letters, scrapbooks, diaries, and photo albums for possible clues. Its even possible (though not likely) that you may find an original deed or even a blueprint for the property. A thorough search of the property may also yield clues between walls, floorboards, and other forgotten areas. Old newspapers were often used as insulation between walls, while journals, clothing, and other items have been found in rooms, closets, or fireplaces that for one reason or another were sealed over. Were not recommending that you knock holes in the walls unless you are planning a restoration, but you should be aware of the many secrets which an older home or building can contain. Chain of Title Search A deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of land and property. Examining all of the deeds concerning your home or other property is a big step toward learning more about its history. In addition to providing the names of property owners, deeds may provide information on construction dates, changes in value and use, and even plot maps. Begin with the deed for the current owners of the property and work your way back from one deed to the next, with each deed providing details on who conveyed the property to whom. This list of property owners in succession is known as the chain of title. Though often a tedious process, a title search is the best method for establishing a chain of ownership for a property. Begin your search for deeds by learning where they were recorded and stored for the time and place in which you are interested. Some jurisdictions are even beginning to place this information online - allowing you to search for current property information by address or owner. Next, visit the registry of deeds (or location where deeds are recorded for your area) and use the grantee index to search for the present owner in an index of buyers. The index will provide you with a book and page where a copy of the actual deed is located. A number of county deed offices across the U.S. even provide online access to copies of current, and sometimes historical, deeds. The free genealogy website FamilySearch also has many historical deed records online in digital format. Digging Into Address Based Records One piece of information that you will almost always have for your home or building is the address. Therefore, once youve learned a bit about the property and looked for local clues, the next logical step is to search for documents that are based on a buildings address and location. Such documents, including property records, utility records, maps, photographs, architectural plans and more, maybe housed in the local library, historical society, local government offices, or even in private collections. Check with your local genealogy library or genealogical society for help finding the location of the following records in your specific locality. Building Permits: Learn where building permits are kept on file for your buildings neighborhood - these may be held by local building departments, city planning departments, or even county or parish offices. Building permits for older buildings and residences may be preserved at libraries, historical societies or archives. Usually filed by street address, building permits can be especially useful when tracing a house history, often listing the original owner, architect, builder, construction cost, dimensions, materials, and date of construction. Alteration permits provide clues to the buildings physical evolution over time. On rare occasions, a building permit may also lead you to a copy of the original blueprints for your building.Utility Records: If other means fail and the building isnt too old or rural, the date when utilities were first connected may provide a good indication of when a building was first occupied (i.e. a general construction date). The water company is oft en the best place to start as these records generally pre-date electrical, gas and sewer systems. Just remember that your home could have been built before these systems existed and, in such cases, the date of connection will not indicate the construction date.Insurance Records: Historical insurance records, most notably fire insurance claim forms, contain information about the nature of an insured building, its contents, value and, possibly, even floor plans. For an exhaustive search, contact all insurance companies who have been active in your area for a long length of time and ask them to check their records for any policies sold for that address. Fire insurance maps created by Sanborn and other companies document the size and shape of buildings, locations of doors and windows, and construction materials, as well as street names and property boundaries, for both big cities and small towns. Researching the Owners Once youve explored the historical records of your home, one of the best ways to expand on the history of your home or other building is to trace its owners. A variety of standard sources exist which should help you learn who lived in the house before you, and from there it is just a matter of using a bit of genealogy research to fill in the gaps. You should have already learned the names of some of the previous occupants and, possibly, even the original owners from the chain of title search covered in part one of this article. Most archives and libraries also have pamphlets or articles available which will help you with the specifics of searching for the previous occupants of your home and learning more about their life. Some of the basic sources for tracing the owners of your home include: Phone Books City Directories: Begin your search by letting your fingers do the walking. One of the best sources for information about the people who lived in your house are old phone books and, if you live in an urban area, city directories. They can provide you with a timeline of former occupants, and possibly provide you with extra details such as occupations. As you search, it is important to keep in mind that your home may have had a different street number, and your street may have even had a different name. City and phone directories, in combination with old maps, are usually the best source for these old street names and numbers. You can usually locate old phone books and city directories at local libraries and historical societies.Census Records: Census records, depending upon the location and time period, may tell you who lived in your home or building, where they came from, how many children they had, the value of the property, and more. Census records can be e specially useful in narrowing down birth, death, and even marriage dates which, in turn, can lead to more records about the homeowners. Census records are not currently accessible beyond the early 20th century in most countries (e.g. 1911 in Great Britain, 1921 in Canada, 1940 in the U.S.) due to privacy concerns, but available records can usually be found at libraries and archives, and online for a number of countries including the United States, Canada, and Great Britain.Church and Parish Records: Local church and parish records can sometimes be a good source for death dates and other information about former occupants of your home. This is a more likely avenue of research in small towns where there arent a lot of churches, however.Newspapers and Obituaries: If you are able to narrow down a death date, then obituaries can provide you with a wealth of details about the former occupants of your home. Newspapers can also be good sources for informa tion on births, marriages, and town histories, especially if youre lucky enough to find one which has been indexed or digitized. You may even find an article on your home if the owner was prominent in some way. Check with the local library or historical society to learn which newspaper was in operation at the time the former owners lived in the home, and where the archives are located. The U.S. Newspaper Directory at Chronicling America is an excellent source for information on what U.S. newspapers were being published in a particular area at a particular time, as well as the institutions which hold copies. A growing number of historical newspapers can also be found online.Birth, Marriage and Death Records:  If you are able to narrow down a date of birth, marriage or death, then you should definitely investigate vital records. Birth, marriage, and death records are available from a variety of locations, depending upon the location and time period. Information is re adily available on the Internet which can point you to these records and provide you with the years they are available. The history of the homeowners is a big part of the history of a house. If youre lucky enough to track former owners all the way down to living descendants, then you may want to consider contacting them to learn more. People who have lived in the home can tell you things about it that you will never find in public records. They may also be in possession of old photos of the home or building. Approach them with care and courtesy, and they may be your best resource yet!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Immunodeficiency Virus A Global Health Issue
Human immunodeficiency virus continues to be a global health issue, which leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a very serious and possibly fatal sexually transmitted infection. AIDS has existed within the United States since the mid to late 70’s, but is said to have originated as far back as the 1800s. Education is important in identifying and preventing AIDS. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the body’s immune system, rendering the immune system unable to fight off certain infections and diseases. The virus is spread through sexual secretions (i.e. semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluid, vaginal fluid) and blood. Less commonly, HIV can be given to an infant from their mother during pregnancy or childbirth, through oral sex, by receiving blood transfusions, blood products, organs, or tissue transplants, through contact between broken skin, wounds, or membrane. It is important to note that one cannot be infected by HIV through non-sexual or casual contact (i.e. shaking hands, hugging, touching, closed mouth kissing, sharing toilets, etc.). Unfortunately, those infected with HIV can remain free of any symptoms for years after being infected, and, as a result, may transmit the virus to other individuals. After the asymptomatic period, many individuals develop early symptomatic HIV infection, called class B or ARC (AIDS-related complex). Signs and symptoms of HIV include aShow MoreRelatedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, Also Known As Hiv, Continuous1519 Words  | 7 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV, continuous to be an epidemic crisis. HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if left untreated.Unlike other viruses once HIV is acquired the human body can not get rid of it. Sub Saharan Africa is currently the most affected region for HIV/AIDS, Men in the region seem to be the most affected. There is currently no cure for HIV, however there is p ossible treatment, as well as ways one can prevent developing the virus. HIV/AIDS continousRead MoreDecision Making Based on Mission and Vision of an Organization932 Words  | 4 Pageshave HIV/AIDS. What could be the decision and how will the decision be communicated to the physicians, employees, to the board, and the public. The thought of a healthcare worker with a positive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosis sounds risk laden for someone who is undereducated on virus transmission risks. As a leader in a healthcare facility, it is imperative the president of Community Medical Center dispel the fears within his hospital and community in a quick and efficient mannerRead MoreAids : A Serious Problem That Affects Our Communities887 Words  | 4 Pagesmany different and serious diseases were discovered, and some of them caused death. AIDS is one of the most serious of these diseases. The term AIDS is an abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It was reported in the United States for the first time in 1981. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infections. All around the world, there are about five million people who became infected with HIVRead MoreEpidemiology And Communicable Diseases : H uman Immunodeficiency Virus1714 Words  | 7 PagesDiseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus With the prevalence and spread of communicable diseases on the rise, epidemiologists are working very diligently to find the agent, host, environment, and how it is spread with every new discovery. According to MedicinePlus (2016), â€Å"infectious diseases kill more people worldwide than any other single cause†. The human immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV has been one of the largest epidemics in history. â€Å"HIV continues to be a major global health issue, havingRead MoreThe Impact Of Nurses And Advanced Practice Registered Nurses925 Words  | 4 PagesImpact of Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Nurses are the first health care professionals that patients meet in a health care setting. The nurses have a major impact on the patients. A condition like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has a major stigma with it. In the past, the stigma of HIV/AIDS was higher among people due to the cultural, social, and religious reasons. 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ThereforeRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1529 Words  | 7 Pages Human Immunodeficiency Virus Typing Template for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for the APA 6th Edition Sheela Jose Grand Canyon University: HIV Known as a Communicable Disease A communicable disease is known an illness that results from an infectious agent that occurs through transmission either indirectly or directly, from an infected individual. The human immunodeficiency virus is considered a communicable disease, and will be explored further in relation toRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population2423 Words  | 10 Pagesrpungello@knights.ucf.ed Richard Pungello No modern nation is immune from the effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, on its population. The Republic of Italy is no different. To understand how the Human Immunodeficiency Virus has taken shape within the Republic of Italy, it is first important to define and understand what this virus is in general terms. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is quite similar to other viruses, including the viruses that cause influenza –the flu- or the commonRead MoreHiv / Aids : A Global Health System1606 Words  | 7 PagesHIV/AIDS: A global health system Rita K. Asiedu Rutgers University Abstract Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS is a pandemic problem affecting global health. At the end of 2015, 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS globally. The rate of incidence is more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost 1 in every 24 adults living with HIV/AIDS. In the united states, HIV/AIDS is a diversified health problem affecting all sexes, ages and races and involving the transmission of multipleRead MoreEssay on HIV/AIDS and Modern Medical Inventions1399 Words  | 6 Pagesmedical inventions, still the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most challenging virus that will drag the human lives to the deadly disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It spreads its wings all over. HIV cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. It has become the greatest life threatening disease and affects unbelievably high percent of human beings. Nowadays, besides other deadly diseases, HIV/AIDS becomes more complex and crucial health issue that challenges several medical
Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions Free Essays
New Year’s Resolutions Apart from the endless cups of tea with Christmas sweets, the great fun and the inmense blissfulness that we experience by the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, the New Year is also the traditional time to make resolutions, which are plans to improve oneself. Resolutions are basically promises to oneself, and like promises, you either keep them or break them. That is to say, you are either successful in keeping your plans, or you are not and you go back to your old habits. We will write a custom essay sample on Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions or any similar topic only for you Order Now The vast majority of people think that they need a new lifestyle, a change, or a recommitment as an individual. The aim of most resolutions is to turn over a new leaf. That is, to make yourself better by changing your routines and habits. It is like making a fresh, new start in your life. Generally there are two main types of resolutions: give up or take up. A lot of people say that their New Year’s Resolutions are to give up a bad habit or to take up a new hobby. Personally, I think that what I would just like to do is carry on working hard; carry on being happy and healthy. I plan to keep on studying, keep on exercising ( I wish I could do it quite often in 2012), keep on eating well and keep on sleeping well, keep on getting on well with my family and friends. And that’s about it, there is nothing else. Nothing too big, nothing too heavy, because experience tells me that if you try to ask yourself to do too much stuff, it will eventually not happen. How to cite Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions, Papers
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