Monday, August 24, 2020
Critically assess the extent to which HPWP relies on the intensification of work
Fundamentally survey the degree to which HPWP depends on the increase of work Presentation The superior work rehearses condensed as HPWP means a universally handy administrative portrayal incorporating a few viewpoints. Nonetheless, the depiction of High Performance Work Practices glade demonstrates to connect some involvedness. HPWP has vanquished the modernization of human asset management.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Critically evaluate the degree to which HPWP depends on the strengthening of work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More actually, contemplates led in the previous fifteen years identifying with the idea of elite work rehearses and their suggestions on hierarchical execution have explored different parts of human asset (Bacon Blyton, 2006). Meanwhile, the employees’ result responsibility spellbinds because of the HPWP that expands the advantages of the association. The exact examinations have flourished to investigate the effects of High Performance Work Practices under broadly battling points of v iew. That is, High Performance Work Practices have idealistic and skeptical outcomes relating to both the establishment and representatives. Among the advantages, incorporate more significant salary, representative duty, raised abilities and preparing, bunch work, low work turnover, benefit, and high efficiency (Macky Boxall, 2007). Nonetheless, examine states that negative impacts might be found in the laborers experience, HPWP results because of more significant level of devotion, cooperation, and practical insight. The foundation spill out, worry at work, outstanding task at hand, and responsibility may eclipse these additions. Subsequently, work strengthening is the possible brunt of the High Performance Work Practices expected of an organization’s workforce. The degree at which the standards of High Performance Work Practices are influenced by work escalation is the significant motivation behind this paper. At first, the paper investigates the connection between work esc alation and HPWP. The paper distinguishes the dissimilar wellsprings of impacts in the midst of the negative and positive HPWP attitudes toward an organization’s staff. The paper at that point evaluates the linkages among execution and hierarchical practices just as the course to execution results, and how associations measure the presentation results. The paper takes a gander at certain set up points of view of HPWP and their consequences for human resources.Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The connection among HPWPs and work heightening Despite the evidences offered by writing on the administration of HR, such accessible verifications right now intimates that work increase is a potential outcome gave the owner doesn't fittingly utilize High Performance Work Practices. Perhaps, the staff has attracted elite working by simply captivating more or new practi ces in this worship. Superior Work Practices might be or may not be the best practice. The interconnected exercises, for example, human asset methodology, rehearses, projects, techniques, and ways of thinking are encased in the vital HRM as Bacon and Blyton (2006) contend. The corporation’s HR reasoning mirrors the undertakings to build up high performing work power as demonstrated by the structure created by Schuler (1992). Subsequently, the design of procedures, practices, projects, and strategies mirrors this legitimately. The approaches developing superior measure while rewarding the workforce shapes some portion of the engineering of the best practice and HPWPs. Undoubtedly, the best practice is clear in any human asset theory utilizing HPWPs as the premise of HRM arrangement to try the company’s outside and interior plans. The practices execution connect The business worker common advantages are doable through High Performance Work Practices. As contended in the HPWPs unitarist perspective, the workforce gains from the significant and fluctuated occupation feeling of significant worth, just as the prevalent prudence of errand. The representatives may encounter the increases through the formative or direct support. Then again, the businesses gain from having the staffs that are given, disturbed, and extra dedicated. Such work power will utilize their oddity and imagination to work under least watch by generously interfacing with different laborers to nature the nature of their work. In actuality, these HR are anxious to work since they get that strengthening to complete the doled out assignments. Braverman (1974) set forward that such representatives are less inclined to be missing from work or even abstain from achieving their undertakings. Furthermore, the other advantage as indicated by Guthrie (2001) and Arthur (1994) demonstrates that laborers are less inclined to escape the company for another because of such work intensification.Adver tising We will compose a custom article test on Critically survey the degree to which HPWP depends on the increase of work explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The above work escalations will expand the odds of High Performance Work Practices. In any case, these common advantages additionally accompany the cost limitations to both the business and the representatives. The workers for this situation are qualified for relate to the authoritative execution goals. Besides, they are obliged to place in extra optional difficult work and recognize high duty efforts. By and by, the businesses need to depend on the staffs that are less replaceable and meet significant expenses of account including the rearrangement of work, workforce advancement and preparing (Macky Boxall, 2007). Through work increase, the businesses are additionally expected to surrender specific controls to their workforce thus, HPWP. Concerning the pluralist support of High Performance Work Practices, t he methodology pictures a circumstance of a lose-win for laborers and businesses. The state of a success lose condition comes because of the slanted or direct determination of the HPWP model advantages from the heightening of work. The perception of this point of view depends on the contribution of the presented plans of superior by method of unavoidable decreases of staff and work development. When all is said in done, the workforces acquire the overheads though the benefits are generally appreciated by the organizations. Through this, the workers need to reward for the increases of execution by methods for the obligation moved from hampers to the immediate occupation misfortunes. In this manner, a definitive outcome will see the laborers subordinate their enthusiasm to those of the enterprise and initiate themselves to additional work (Braverman, 1974). In this manner, it is basic to break down the course of authoritative and workforce execution just as whether the work increase o r high inspiration of the representatives realizes High Performance Work Practices. The course to hierarchical and workers execution results The capacities, inspiration, and openings depiction of Purcell and Boxall (2003) imagine entomb direct subject in the midst of the effects of the endorsed rehearses on the representatives and authoritative presentation. Elite Work Practices impacts the presentation results consistency dependent on the AMO model in a few manners.Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More At first, the exhibition ability and the limit of laborers alter in that the practices influence the aptitudes of the workers with respect to level of aptitudes and information. The motivation levels to introduce such aptitudes and information are additionally self-absorbed attributable with the impact of practices on the employee’s perspectives. At long last, there is the whole utilization of the improved capacities because of the open doors made by High Performance Work Practices. Better limits are set up by the capacities of the laborers. Various confirmations advocate that High Performance Work Practices aids the improvement of information and aptitudes as for upgrading the capacities of a worker. Different examinations state that High Performance Work Practices are identified with an assortment of new abilities. So far as that is concerned, HPWP model creates the beneficial and broad learning environs because of the encouraged working environment information. Furthermore, Bacon and Blyton (2006) stress that the imbalances of aptitudes in the midst of non-standard and full time HR is shortened conceivably by the High Performance Work Practices. On the other hand, the degrees at which activities rise up out of High Performance Work Practices get impact from inspiration. The responsibility impacts reviewed rises up out of a few lines of examination including HPWPs. what's more, motivation. The enhanced duty in an association usually improves the degrees of inspiration as set up by countless researchers. In reality, this improvement increments especially because of high repayment, better inclusion of workforce in the dynamic procedures, improved procedures of airing protests, and the use of adaptable activity arrangements. With respect to the general high pace of work fulfillment, Boxall and Macky (2007) found that individuals from staff grasping HPWPs are progressively inspired. Similarly, for the abilities of prodded laborers to be enunciated, the ope n doors upgrade the lane taking into account the compatibility in the midst of chances and HPWPs. The laborers chance to work to the full skill is accommodated by the High Performance Work Practices. The worker can meet this through improving the mutual data and cooperation. In addition, the unwinding of certain plans of work and structures in the association may empower laborers to utiliz
Saturday, August 22, 2020
KSU2 Essay Samples - How to Make Them Look Simple
KSU2 Essay Samples - How to Make Them Look SimpleKSU2 Essay samples are required material for your work of dissertations. It is not enough to merely have a thesis which is presented in the thesis. You should make sure that your work of dissertations are also written with the essence of the students.Most students who take test papers would like to have some extra effort on the part of the authors as well. That is the reason why they would like to get their test papers written by experienced and professional writers. There are many companies that offer these sample works of dissertations for KSU2. KSU2 Test papers samples are actually essays.The essays written by these KSU2 sample essays are written by people who have a good background in this type of work. They usually write them in such a way that it can highlight different aspects of the student. These are very helpful because students feel that they can improve and get some ideas for their dissertations and of course, also that the y can show that they have come up with the idea and have written it all by themselves.These sample works of dissertations are normally offered in various formats, which include flash, PDF and others. The best format is the PowerPoint presentation of them. That is the reason why you should choose to have your KSU2 essay samples arranged in a way that can make it more interesting and easier to read.You need to use the presentation tools that are suitable for the subject matter of your work of dissertations. If you are in need of special functions, then you can consider getting them from the companies offering them. So, do not forget to get this element.KSU2 Test papers samples contain some examples and references that the readers can refer to. The best way to handle this type of presentation is to make them look simple and professional. This is the kind of thing that the readers will look forward to. Thus, if you are trying to make your work of dissertations different from other disse rtations, then this is the perfect format.Writing dissertations involves much discipline and patience. Once the work of a student has been started, it should be finished in a short time so that he can make his mark in the academic world. Therefore, this is the best method of getting the KSU2 Essay samples organized so that they can be easy to read and also to be put together in a manner that can make the readers look forward to it.KSU2 Test papers samples should be placed in easy to use formats. So, you should avoid having any type of color fonts or graphics. The format should be easy to read and to write so that the students can make a good impression on their readers.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
With Reference To Reform, Critically Discuss Provocation And Related
With Reference To Reform, Critically Discuss Provocation And Related With Reference To Reform, Critically Discuss Provocation And Related Defences In The Context Of â€" Essay Example > Roll No: _________Criminal Law, reforms and defences in the context of sex and domestic violencePrior to the early 1970s, domestic violence whether related to sex or any other crime was generally thought of as a private matter. People were left alone to solve their conflicts except in cases of very serious injury. The law was considered to be the last resort in the management of domestic violence, and arrest was only used occasionally as a temporary means of maintaining order. Today it is recognized that the divide between public and private violence is less distinct, and violence between intimates has become a more salient public policy issue than ever before. Increased public intervention within the private sphere has been legitimated by new legislation, new police powers, and changing attitudes towards state intervention. Domestic violence is now, in theory, recognized as ‘real’ crime, and the fact that it typically occurs in the home does not deflect from its status as a c riminal offence. This report will examine and analyze the way in which incidents of domestic violence are responded to up till today by the criminal justice system. It is based on research, which aims to understand the factors, which shaped the decisions made by the police, and the Crown Prosecution Service in the light of policies, and recommended increased intervention in such cases. It examines the extent to which the choices made by police and prosecutors can be understood in terms of evidential criteria and offence seriousness, and the extent to which they are shaped by the informal ‘rules’ of the organizational culture. The roles and criteria of provocation are examined and police officers, prosecutors, victims, and suspects in respect of these considerations are explored. The first developments in public policy concerning domestic violence began in 1975 with the Parliamentary Select Committee hearings on Violence in Marriage. That was the first concerned matter of domes tic violence, which gave birth to an endless series of crimes and is still on its way. Prior to this, police officers had been advised against arresting men who were violent to their partners. Giving evidence to the 1975 Committee, the Association of Chief Police Officers denied the need for any change in their service: ‘Whilst such problems take up considerable police time. . . in the majority of cases the role of the police is a negative one. We are, after all, dealing with persons bound in marriage, and it is important, for a host of reasons, to maintain the unity of the spouses’. The Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Court Act 1976; the Housing Act 1977; the Domestic Violence and Magistrates Act 1978; and the Matrimonial Homes Act 1983, all provided reforms for the eviction of violent men, their arrest for a breach of an injunction and the rehousing of victims of domestic violence. During the 1970s and 1980s, in the United Kingdom, the feminist movement had put the issue of men’s violence against women in the home on the public agenda (Stanko, 1989). In doing so, it created the environment for government change and for empirical studies of the character, prevalence, and incidence of domestic violence as well as assessments of the response of the criminal justice system. Hence, a plethora of studies on domestic violence emerged. (Hoyle, 1998)
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Tracing the History and Genealogy of Your Home
Have you ever wondered about the history of your house, apartment, church or other building? When was it built? Why was it built? Who owned it? What happened to the people who lived and/or died there? Or, a favorite question as a child, does it have any secret tunnels or cubbyholes? Whether youre looking for documentation for historic status or are just plain inquisitive, tracing a propertys history and learning about the people who have lived there can be a fascinating and fulfilling project. When conducting research on buildings there are usually two types of information that people search for: Architectural facts, such as date of construction, the name of architect or builder, construction materials, and physical changes over time.Historical facts, such as information on the original owner and other residents through time, or interesting events associated with the building or area. A house history may consist of either type of research, or be a combination of both. Get to Know Your Home Begin your search by looking closely at the building for clues about its age. Look at the type of construction, the materials used in construction, the shape of the roofline, the placement of the windows, etc. These types of features may prove useful in identifying the architectural style of the building, which helps in establishing the general construction date. Walk around the property looking for obvious alterations or additions to the building as well as roadways, paths, trees, fences, and other features. It is also important to look at nearby buildings to see whether they contain similar features which will also help to date your property. Talk to relatives, friends, neighbors, even former employees - anyone who might know something about the house. Ask them not only for information about the building, but also about former owners, the land upon which the house was built, what existed at that location prior to construction of the house, and the history of the town or community. Check family letters, scrapbooks, diaries, and photo albums for possible clues. Its even possible (though not likely) that you may find an original deed or even a blueprint for the property. A thorough search of the property may also yield clues between walls, floorboards, and other forgotten areas. Old newspapers were often used as insulation between walls, while journals, clothing, and other items have been found in rooms, closets, or fireplaces that for one reason or another were sealed over. Were not recommending that you knock holes in the walls unless you are planning a restoration, but you should be aware of the many secrets which an older home or building can contain. Chain of Title Search A deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of land and property. Examining all of the deeds concerning your home or other property is a big step toward learning more about its history. In addition to providing the names of property owners, deeds may provide information on construction dates, changes in value and use, and even plot maps. Begin with the deed for the current owners of the property and work your way back from one deed to the next, with each deed providing details on who conveyed the property to whom. This list of property owners in succession is known as the chain of title. Though often a tedious process, a title search is the best method for establishing a chain of ownership for a property. Begin your search for deeds by learning where they were recorded and stored for the time and place in which you are interested. Some jurisdictions are even beginning to place this information online - allowing you to search for current property information by address or owner. Next, visit the registry of deeds (or location where deeds are recorded for your area) and use the grantee index to search for the present owner in an index of buyers. The index will provide you with a book and page where a copy of the actual deed is located. A number of county deed offices across the U.S. even provide online access to copies of current, and sometimes historical, deeds. The free genealogy website FamilySearch also has many historical deed records online in digital format. Digging Into Address Based Records One piece of information that you will almost always have for your home or building is the address. Therefore, once youve learned a bit about the property and looked for local clues, the next logical step is to search for documents that are based on a buildings address and location. Such documents, including property records, utility records, maps, photographs, architectural plans and more, maybe housed in the local library, historical society, local government offices, or even in private collections. Check with your local genealogy library or genealogical society for help finding the location of the following records in your specific locality. Building Permits: Learn where building permits are kept on file for your buildings neighborhood - these may be held by local building departments, city planning departments, or even county or parish offices. Building permits for older buildings and residences may be preserved at libraries, historical societies or archives. Usually filed by street address, building permits can be especially useful when tracing a house history, often listing the original owner, architect, builder, construction cost, dimensions, materials, and date of construction. Alteration permits provide clues to the buildings physical evolution over time. On rare occasions, a building permit may also lead you to a copy of the original blueprints for your building.Utility Records: If other means fail and the building isnt too old or rural, the date when utilities were first connected may provide a good indication of when a building was first occupied (i.e. a general construction date). The water company is oft en the best place to start as these records generally pre-date electrical, gas and sewer systems. Just remember that your home could have been built before these systems existed and, in such cases, the date of connection will not indicate the construction date.Insurance Records: Historical insurance records, most notably fire insurance claim forms, contain information about the nature of an insured building, its contents, value and, possibly, even floor plans. For an exhaustive search, contact all insurance companies who have been active in your area for a long length of time and ask them to check their records for any policies sold for that address. Fire insurance maps created by Sanborn and other companies document the size and shape of buildings, locations of doors and windows, and construction materials, as well as street names and property boundaries, for both big cities and small towns. Researching the Owners Once youve explored the historical records of your home, one of the best ways to expand on the history of your home or other building is to trace its owners. A variety of standard sources exist which should help you learn who lived in the house before you, and from there it is just a matter of using a bit of genealogy research to fill in the gaps. You should have already learned the names of some of the previous occupants and, possibly, even the original owners from the chain of title search covered in part one of this article. Most archives and libraries also have pamphlets or articles available which will help you with the specifics of searching for the previous occupants of your home and learning more about their life. Some of the basic sources for tracing the owners of your home include: Phone Books City Directories: Begin your search by letting your fingers do the walking. One of the best sources for information about the people who lived in your house are old phone books and, if you live in an urban area, city directories. They can provide you with a timeline of former occupants, and possibly provide you with extra details such as occupations. As you search, it is important to keep in mind that your home may have had a different street number, and your street may have even had a different name. City and phone directories, in combination with old maps, are usually the best source for these old street names and numbers. You can usually locate old phone books and city directories at local libraries and historical societies.Census Records: Census records, depending upon the location and time period, may tell you who lived in your home or building, where they came from, how many children they had, the value of the property, and more. Census records can be e specially useful in narrowing down birth, death, and even marriage dates which, in turn, can lead to more records about the homeowners. Census records are not currently accessible beyond the early 20th century in most countries (e.g. 1911 in Great Britain, 1921 in Canada, 1940 in the U.S.) due to privacy concerns, but available records can usually be found at libraries and archives, and online for a number of countries including the United States, Canada, and Great Britain.Church and Parish Records: Local church and parish records can sometimes be a good source for death dates and other information about former occupants of your home. This is a more likely avenue of research in small towns where there arent a lot of churches, however.Newspapers and Obituaries: If you are able to narrow down a death date, then obituaries can provide you with a wealth of details about the former occupants of your home. Newspapers can also be good sources for informa tion on births, marriages, and town histories, especially if youre lucky enough to find one which has been indexed or digitized. You may even find an article on your home if the owner was prominent in some way. Check with the local library or historical society to learn which newspaper was in operation at the time the former owners lived in the home, and where the archives are located. The U.S. Newspaper Directory at Chronicling America is an excellent source for information on what U.S. newspapers were being published in a particular area at a particular time, as well as the institutions which hold copies. A growing number of historical newspapers can also be found online.Birth, Marriage and Death Records:  If you are able to narrow down a date of birth, marriage or death, then you should definitely investigate vital records. Birth, marriage, and death records are available from a variety of locations, depending upon the location and time period. Information is re adily available on the Internet which can point you to these records and provide you with the years they are available. The history of the homeowners is a big part of the history of a house. If youre lucky enough to track former owners all the way down to living descendants, then you may want to consider contacting them to learn more. People who have lived in the home can tell you things about it that you will never find in public records. They may also be in possession of old photos of the home or building. Approach them with care and courtesy, and they may be your best resource yet!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Immunodeficiency Virus A Global Health Issue
Human immunodeficiency virus continues to be a global health issue, which leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a very serious and possibly fatal sexually transmitted infection. AIDS has existed within the United States since the mid to late 70’s, but is said to have originated as far back as the 1800s. Education is important in identifying and preventing AIDS. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the body’s immune system, rendering the immune system unable to fight off certain infections and diseases. The virus is spread through sexual secretions (i.e. semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluid, vaginal fluid) and blood. Less commonly, HIV can be given to an infant from their mother during pregnancy or childbirth, through oral sex, by receiving blood transfusions, blood products, organs, or tissue transplants, through contact between broken skin, wounds, or membrane. It is important to note that one cannot be infected by HIV through non-sexual or casual contact (i.e. shaking hands, hugging, touching, closed mouth kissing, sharing toilets, etc.). Unfortunately, those infected with HIV can remain free of any symptoms for years after being infected, and, as a result, may transmit the virus to other individuals. After the asymptomatic period, many individuals develop early symptomatic HIV infection, called class B or ARC (AIDS-related complex). Signs and symptoms of HIV include aShow MoreRelatedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, Also Known As Hiv, Continuous1519 Words  | 7 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV, continuous to be an epidemic crisis. HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if left untreated.Unlike other viruses once HIV is acquired the human body can not get rid of it. Sub Saharan Africa is currently the most affected region for HIV/AIDS, Men in the region seem to be the most affected. There is currently no cure for HIV, however there is p ossible treatment, as well as ways one can prevent developing the virus. HIV/AIDS continousRead MoreDecision Making Based on Mission and Vision of an Organization932 Words  | 4 Pageshave HIV/AIDS. What could be the decision and how will the decision be communicated to the physicians, employees, to the board, and the public. The thought of a healthcare worker with a positive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosis sounds risk laden for someone who is undereducated on virus transmission risks. As a leader in a healthcare facility, it is imperative the president of Community Medical Center dispel the fears within his hospital and community in a quick and efficient mannerRead MoreAids : A Serious Problem That Affects Our Communities887 Words  | 4 Pagesmany different and serious diseases were discovered, and some of them caused death. AIDS is one of the most serious of these diseases. The term AIDS is an abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It was reported in the United States for the first time in 1981. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infections. All around the world, there are about five million people who became infected with HIVRead MoreEpidemiology And Communicable Diseases : H uman Immunodeficiency Virus1714 Words  | 7 PagesDiseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus With the prevalence and spread of communicable diseases on the rise, epidemiologists are working very diligently to find the agent, host, environment, and how it is spread with every new discovery. According to MedicinePlus (2016), â€Å"infectious diseases kill more people worldwide than any other single cause†. 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Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions Free Essays
New Year’s Resolutions Apart from the endless cups of tea with Christmas sweets, the great fun and the inmense blissfulness that we experience by the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, the New Year is also the traditional time to make resolutions, which are plans to improve oneself. Resolutions are basically promises to oneself, and like promises, you either keep them or break them. That is to say, you are either successful in keeping your plans, or you are not and you go back to your old habits. We will write a custom essay sample on Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions or any similar topic only for you Order Now The vast majority of people think that they need a new lifestyle, a change, or a recommitment as an individual. The aim of most resolutions is to turn over a new leaf. That is, to make yourself better by changing your routines and habits. It is like making a fresh, new start in your life. Generally there are two main types of resolutions: give up or take up. A lot of people say that their New Year’s Resolutions are to give up a bad habit or to take up a new hobby. Personally, I think that what I would just like to do is carry on working hard; carry on being happy and healthy. I plan to keep on studying, keep on exercising ( I wish I could do it quite often in 2012), keep on eating well and keep on sleeping well, keep on getting on well with my family and friends. And that’s about it, there is nothing else. Nothing too big, nothing too heavy, because experience tells me that if you try to ask yourself to do too much stuff, it will eventually not happen. How to cite Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The ballad of worthy wealth Essay Example
The ballad of worthy wealth Essay The Middle Paragraphs In this poem Andrew Lang explains the cold truth about money and what it has meant for people in the sasss . He uses repetition to explain his ideas. Andrew Lang gathers in his mind that money can be good or evil. It depends on the use of the money not the context. In this poem most of the people will only do things for money and this is what Lang is really trying to emphasize about the main idea. The Ballad of Worthy Wealth, is saying that no matter what the subject or ideal perception is hat money can bring deception and total corruption in a society. Lang uses rhetorical language in this poem. He uses different words to show the mood/tone of the story such as take, make, fro, can stow, to throw, ebb and flow, and without a blow. This is almost as if its more of an informational tone. Lang describes that youth, health and paradise were the main targets as far as the use of and manipulation of people and money. The setting of Ballad of Worthy Wealth, takes place in 19th century. This was the time of life of Andrew Lang. Take in inconsideration during this time Britain led the Industrial revolution which brought money to the country so not only was royalty getting money but the people had Jobs that paid very well. During this time people were on the move to getting new Jobs. They would accept anything that paid them. So It didnt matter what was being said or done as long as they were getting paid. We will write a custom essay sample on The ballad of worthy wealth specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The ballad of worthy wealth specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The ballad of worthy wealth specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The audience that Lang Is trying to Influence are business owners, bakers, locals and even Just communities of different people on a large scale. The people are using money for everything no matter what It is. These people are greedy and they want to make It rain when Its sunny outside they are spending more money that Is not needed. Lang Is against this and Is trying to explain what Is happening right In front of their own eyes, The form that the Poem Is written In Is haiku there Is three stanzas each are contacting eight lines that rhyme. Its more of an haiku because of this. Sonnets are a poem of fourteen lines using any off number of formal rhyme schemes, In English typically having ten syllables per line. Astatines are poems with SIX stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, al stanzas having the same SIX words at the line-ends In SIX different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing In the closing three-line envoy. The only only one that Is closest Is haiku. Andrew Lands purpose of the poem was a message to the world that we as human need to come together and spend less money. To strive towards new beginnings The ballad of worthy wealth By Aeronautic consideration during this time Britain led the industrial revolution which brought They would accept anything that paid them. So it didnt matter what was being said or done as long as they were getting paid. The audience that Lang is trying to influence are business owners, bakers, locals and even Just communities of different people on a large scale. The people are using money for everything no matter what it is. These people are greedy and they want to make it rain when its sunny outside they are spending more money that is not needed. Lang is against this and is trying to explain what is happening right in front of their own eyes, The form that the Poem s written in is haiku there is three stanzas each are containing eight lines that using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line. Astatines are poems with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line-ends in six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing in the closing three-line envoy. The only only one that is closest is haiku. Andrew Lands purpose of the poem was a
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Understanding the Key Events of World War II
Understanding the Key Events of World War II World War II, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, was a war fought primarily between the Axis Powers (Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allies (France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States). Although World War II was started by Nazi Germany in their attempt to conquer Europe,it turned into the largest and the bloodiest war in world history, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 40 to 70 million people, many of whom were civilians. World War II included the attempted genocide of the Jewish people during the Holocaust and the first use of an atomic weapon during a war. Dates: 1939 - 1945 Also Known As: WWII, Second World War Appeasement Following World War I After the devastation and destruction caused by World War I, the world was tired of war and was willing to do almost anything to prevent another from starting. Thus, when Nazi Germany annexed Austria (called the Anschluss) in March 1938, the world did not react. When Nazi leader Adolf Hitler demanded the Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia in September 1938, the world powers handed it to him. Confident that these appeasements had averted a total war from occurring, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stated, I believe it is peace in our time. Hitler, on the other hand, had different plans. Completely disregarding the Versailles Treaty, Hitler was ramping up for war. In preparation for an attack on Poland, Nazi Germany made a deal with the Soviet Union on August 23, 1939, called the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. In exchange for land, the Soviet Union agreed to not attack Germany. Germany was ready for war. The Start of World War II At 4:45 a.m. on September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland. Hitler sent in 1,300 planes of his Luftwaffe (German air force) as well as more than 2,000 tanks and 1.5 million well-trained, ground troops. The Polish military, on the other hand, consisted mostly of foot soldiers with old weapons (even some using lances) and cavalry.  Needless to say, the odds were not in Poland’s favor. Great Britain and France, who had treaties with Poland, both declared war on Germany two days later, on September 3, 1939. However, these countries could not gather troops and equipment fast enough to help save Poland. After Germany had waged a successful attack on Poland from the west, the Soviets invaded Poland from the east on September 17, per the pact they had with Germany. On September 27, 1939, Poland surrendered. For the next six months, there was little actual fighting as the British and French built up their defenses along France’s Maginot Line and the Germans readied themselves for a major invasion. There was so little actual fighting that some journalists termed this â€Å"the Phoney War.†The Nazis Seem Unstoppable On April 9, 1940, the quiet interlude of the war ended as Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. Having met very little resistance, the Germans were soon able to launch Case Yellow (Fall Gelb), an offensive against France and the Low Countries. On May 10, 1940, Nazi Germany invaded Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The Germans were heading through Belgium to enter France, bypassing France’s defenses along the Maginot Line. The Allies were completely unprepared to defend France from a northern attack. The French and British armies, along with the rest of Europe, were quickly overpowered by Germany’s new, swift blitzkrieg (â€Å"lightning war†) tactics. Blitzkrieg was a fast, coordinated, highly-mobile attack that combined air power and well-armored ground troops along a narrow front in order to quickly breach an enemy’s line. (This tactic was meant to avoid the stalemate that caused trench warfare in WWI.) The Germans attacked with deadly force and precision, seeming unstoppable. In a bid to escape total slaughter, 338,000 British and other Allied troops were evacuated, starting on May 27, 1940, from the coast of France to Great Britain as part of Operation Dynamo (often called the Miracle of Dunkirk). On June 22, 1940, France officially surrendered. It had taken less than three months for the Germans to conquer Western Europe. With France defeated, Hitler turned his sights to Great Britain, intending to conquer it as well in Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelowe). Before a ground assault was to begin, Hitler ordered the bombing of Great Britain, beginning the Battle of Britain on July 10, 1940. The British, emboldened by Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s morale-building speeches and aided by radar, successfully countered the German air attacks. Hoping to destroy British morale, Germany began bombing not just military targets but also civilian ones as well, including populated cities. These attacks, which began in August 1940, often occurred at night and were known as â€Å"the Blitz.†The Blitz strengthened the British resolve. By the fall of 1940, Hitler canceled Operation Sea Lion but continued the Blitz well into 1941. The British had stopped the seemingly unstoppable German advance. But, without help, the British could not hold them off for long. Thus, the British asked U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt for help. Although the United States was unwilling to fully enter World War II, Roosevelt agreed to send Great Britain weapons, ammunition, artillery, and other much-needed supplies. The Germans also got help. On September 27, 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, joining these three countries into the Axis Powers. Germany Invades the Soviet Union While the British prepared and waited for an invasion, Germany began to look east. Despite signing the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Hitler had always planned to invade the Soviet Union as part of his plan to gain Lebensraum (â€Å"living room†) for the German people. Hitler’s decision to open a second front in World War II is often considered one of his worst. On June 22, 1941, the German army invaded the Soviet Union, in what was called Case Barbarossa (Fall Barbarossa). The Soviets were taken completely by surprise. The German army’s blitzkrieg tactics worked well in the Soviet Union, allowing the Germans to advance quickly. After his initial shock, Stalin rallied his people and ordered a â€Å"scorched earth†policy in which Soviet citizens burned their fields and killed their livestock as they fled from the invaders. The scorched-earth policy slowed the Germans for it forced them to rely solely on their supply lines. The Germans had underestimated the vastness of the land and the absoluteness of the Soviet winter. Cold and wet, the German soldiers could barely move and their tanks became stuck in mud and snow. The entire invasion stalled. The Holocaust Hitler sent more than just his army into the Soviet Union; he sent mobile killing squads called Einsatzgruppen. These squads were to search out and kill Jews and other â€Å"undesirables†en masse. This killing started out as large groups of Jews being shot and then dumped into pits, such as at Babi Yar. It soon evolved into mobile gas vans. However, these were determined to be too slow at killing, so the Nazis built death camps, created to kill thousands of people a day, such as at Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor. During World War II, the Nazis created an elaborate, secretive, systematic plan to eradicate Jews from Europe in what is now called the Holocaust. The Nazis also targeted Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, the disabled, and all Slavic peoples for slaughter. By the end of the war, the Nazis had killed 11 million people solely based on Nazi racial policies. The Attack on Pearl Harbor Germany was not the only country looking to expand. Japan, newly industrialized, was poised for conquest, hoping to take over vast areas in Southeast Asia. Worried that the United States might try to stop them, Japan decided to launch a surprise attack against the United States’ Pacific Fleet in the hopes of keeping the U.S. out of war in the Pacific. On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes wreaked havoc on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In just two hours, 21 U.S. ships had either been sunk or badly damaged. Shocked and outraged at the unprovoked attack, the United States declared war on Japan the following day. Three days after that, the United States declared war on Germany. The Japanese, aware that the U.S. would probably retaliate for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, preemptively attacked the U.S. naval base in the Philippines on December 8, 1941, destroying many of the U.S. bombers stationed there. Following their air attack with a ground invasion, the battle ended with U.S. surrendering and the deadly Bataan Death March. Without the air strip in the Philippines, the U.S. needed to find a different way to retaliate; they decided upon a bombing raid right into the heart of Japan. On April 18, 1942, 16 B-25 bombers took off from a U.S. aircraft carrier, dropping bombs on Tokyo, Yokohama, and Nagoya. Although the damage inflicted was light, the Doolittle Raid, as it was called, caught the Japanese off guard. However, despite the Doolittle Raid’s limited success, the Japanese were dominating the Pacific War. The Pacific War Just like the Germans seemed impossible to stop in Europe, the Japanese won victory after victory in the early part of the Pacific War, successfully taking the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, the Dutch East Indies, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Burma. However, things began to change at the Battle of Coral Sea (May 7-8, 1942), when there was a stalemate. Then there was the Battle of Midway (June 4-7, 1942), a major turning point in the Pacific War. According to Japanese war plans, the Battle of Midway was to be a secret attack on the U.S. air base on Midway, ending in a decisive victory for Japan. What Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto did not know was that the U.S. had successfully broken several Japanese codes, allowing them to decipher secret, coded Japanese messages. Learning ahead of time about the Japanese attack on Midway, the U.S. prepared an ambush. The Japanese lost the battle, losing four of their aircraft carriers and many of their well-trained pilots. No longer did Japan have naval superiority in the Pacific. A number of major battles followed, at Guadalcanal, Saipan, Guam, Leyte Gulf, and then the Philippines. The U.S. won all of these and continued to push the Japanese back to their homeland. Iwo Jima (February 19 to March 26, 1945) was a particularly bloody battle as the Japanese had created underground fortifications that were well camouflaged. The last Japanese-occupied island was Okinawa and Japanese Lieutenant General Mitsuru Ushijima was determined to kill as many Americans as possible before being defeated. The U.S. landed on Okinawa on April 1, 1945, but for five days, the Japanese did not attack. Once the U.S. forces spread out across the island, the Japanese attacked from their hidden, underground fortifications in the southern half of Okinawa. The U.S. fleet was also bombarded by over 1,500 kamikaze pilots, who caused major damage as they flew their planes directly into U.S. ships. After three months of bloody fighting, the U.S. captured Okinawa. Okinawa was the last battle of World War II. D-Day and the German Retreat In Eastern Europe, it was the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943) that changed the tide of war. After the German defeat at Stalingrad, the Germans were on the defensive, being pushed back toward Germany by the Soviet army. With the Germans being pushed back in the east, it was time for the British and U.S. forces to attack from the west. In a plan that took a year to organize, the Allied forces launched a surprise, amphibious landing on the beaches of Normandy in northern France on June 6, 1944. The first day of the battle, known as D-Day, was extremely important. If the Allies could not break through the German defenses on the beaches this first day, the Germans would have time to bring in reinforcements, making the invasion at utter failure.  Despite many things going awry and an especially bloody fight on the beach codenamed Omaha, the Allies did break through that first day. With the beaches secured, the Allies then brought in two Mulberries, artificial harbors, which allowed them to unload both supplies and additional soldiers for a major offensive on Germany from the west. As the Germans were on the retreat, a number of top German officials wanted to kill Hitler and end the war. Ultimately, the July Plot failed when the bomb that exploded on July 20, 1944 only injured Hitler. Those involved in the assassination attempt were rounded up and killed. Although many in Germany were ready to end World War II, Hitler was not ready to admit defeat. In one, last offensive, the Germans tried to break the Allied line. Using blitzkrieg tactics, the Germans pushed through the Ardennes Forest in Belgium on December 16, 1944. The Allied forces were totally taken by surprise and desperately tried to keep the Germans from breaking through. In so doing, the Allied line began to have a bulge in it, hence the name Battle of the Bulge. Despite this being the bloodiest battle ever fought by American troops, the Allies ultimately won. The Allies wanted to end the war as soon as possible and so they strategically bombed any remaining factories or oil depots left within Germany. However, in February 1944, the Allies began a massive and deadly bombing attack on the German city of Dresden, nearly demolishing the once-beautiful city. The civilian casualty rate was extremely high and many have questioned the reasoning for the firebombing since the city was not a strategic target. By the spring of 1945, the Germans had been pushed back into their own borders on both the east and west. The Germans, who had been fighting for six years, were low on fuel, had barely any food left, and were severely low on ammunition. They were also very low on trained soldiers. Those that were left to defend Germany were the young, old, and wounded. On April 25, 1945, the Soviet army had Berlin, Germany’s capital, completely surrounded. Finally realizing that the end was near, Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945. The fighting in Europe officially ended at 11:01 p.m. on May 8, 1945, a day known as V-E Day (Victory in Europe). Ending the War With Japan Despite the victory in Europe, World War II was still not over for the Japanese were still fighting. The death toll in the Pacific was high, especially since Japanese culture forbade surrender. Knowing that the Japanese planned to fight to the death, the United States was extremely concerned about how many U.S. soldiers would die if they invaded Japan. President Harry Truman, who had become president when Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 (less than a month before the end of WWII in Europe), had a fateful decision to make. Should the U.S. use its new, deadly weapon against Japan in the hopes that it would force Japan to surrender without an actual invasion? Truman decided to try to save U.S. lives. On August 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and then three days later, dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki. The devastation was shocking. Japan surrendered on August 16, 1945, known as V-J Day (Victory over Japan). After the War World War II left the world a different place. It had taken an estimated 40 to 70 million lives and destroyed much of Europe. It brought about the splitting of Germany into East and West and created two major superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. These two superpowers, who had tenuously worked together to fight back Nazi Germany, became pitted against each other in what became known as the Cold War. Hoping to prevent a total war from ever happening again, representatives from 50 countries met together in San Francisco and founded the United Nations, officially created on October 24, 1945.
Monday, March 2, 2020
6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress - Proofread My Paper
6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress - Proofread My Paper 6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress The pressures of college life are many and varied, but the effects are undeniable: More students than ever are suffering from stress and stress-related mental health issues. Hopefully youre not facing anything quite this stressful.(Photo: Bernard Goldbach/flickr) As such, it’s vital that you know what to do if you’re feeling stressed. And these six tips are a good starting point. 1. Know the Signs of Stress The first step to beating stress is recognizing when you are stressed. After all, it can be easy to miss the signs when you’re busy with a dozen other things! Prominent symptoms of stress include: Irritability or feeling overwhelmed Difficulty concentrating Low self-esteem or constant worrying Headaches, tension and muscle pain Loss of appetite or difficultly sleeping Stress is experienced differently by everyone, so this list isn’t definitive. But if these symptoms do sound familiar, it’s important not to ignore them. 2. Know Your Stressors The best way to deal with anxiety is to cut it out at the source. Common stressors for college students include: Academic stress (i.e., worrying about grades and workload) Personal stress (i.e., anxiety about your personal and/or romantic life) Family stress (i.e., pressure from your family or adjusting to being away from home) Financial stress (i.e., making ends meet on a student budget) Uncertainty about the future (i.e., not knowing what you’ll do after college) The solution to these issues will depend on your situation, but knowing what makes you feel stressed will make it easier to make positive changes. 3. Talk It Out In many cases, simply talking to someone can be a great help. This could be friends, family, your professors or even a counselor (most colleges offer a counselling service for students). Discussing your problems is especially effective if you can talk to the people involved (e.g., talking about workload issues with professors). But even just chatting with a friend is better than keeping it all bottled up inside. 4. Eat Well and Exercise Your diet is important when you’re feeling stressed. Eat healthy food whenever possible, don’t skip meals, and cut out excessive caffeine (especially in the evenings). The suitcase is optional. Similarly, regular physical exercise has been shown to be important to stress management. 5. Rest and Recuperate Sometimes, stress is a result of burnout, especially when you’re juggling a lot of responsibilities. Getting plenty of sleep is therefore crucial. However, since anxiety can also cause insomnia, you should make sure your bedroom is set up to make sleeping easier (e.g., having a good mattress) and that you have a regular evening routine. 6. Relaxation Taking time off is also vital. Simply put, you’ll never be able to beat stress if you don’t give yourself the chance to relax occasionally. This could be as simple as hanging out with friends or binge-watching something on Netflix, as long as it takes your mind off work! For extra help, though, you might also want to try meditation and relaxation exercises. A little quiet time can go a long way.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Automobile Brake Disc and Pad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Automobile Brake Disc and Pad - Essay Example However, in special cases such as in racing cars or for people with disability, hands may be used as a means of enhancing efficiency, according to Owen (2010). It is very interesting that many people still wonders how a small peddle, in the form of a car brake is able to stop a huge car in motion with just a slight press of the brake. Similarly, it is still a mystery to many people, how it happens, though people increasingly understand the working system of a car brake. Basically, when a driver presses the brakes with the help of the legs, a force is transmitted from the driver’s foot to the brakes via a fluid. However, since the car needs a much greater force than applied by the leg to stop, the car normally multiplies the force applied by the foot. The braking system then transmits the force to the car tires and consequently the tires transmit the force to the road where the friction law applies and the car stops (Erjavec, 2008). Car brakes are of two types, namely drum and disc brakes. Drum brakes is a type of breaking system that stops a car in motion by friction, when brake shoes are pressed against the drum. Drum brakes have many components that are important for its operation. These include drum, piston, wheel cylinder, return spring, brake shoe, stud, brake pads, wheel hub, and brake lining. The existence of these components makes it easy for drivers to stop vehicles easily by applying just a little pressure on the brake pedal (Gilles, 2005). Disc brakes, on the other hand, are a round, flat metallic pieces that spin together with the wheel. When brakes are applied against the wheel, a caliper squeezes the brake pads against the disc (rotor) thereby causing friction that makes the wheel to slow down and eventually stop. Disc brakes consist of different components such as brake pads, the caliper that has a piston and the rotor usually mounted to the hub. Research indicates that most modern cars are increasingly adopting the use of disc brakes fixe d in front of the wheels while others have disc brakes on all the four wheels (Erjavec, 2003). An example of a disc brake (brake rotor) commonly used on modern cars is the single-piston floating caliper. The most striking feature of this rotor is that it is both self-centering and self-adjusting. The caliper here is capable of sliding from side to side thereby making it move to the center every time the brakes are applied. In addition, since this type of disc lacks the spring to pull the pads away from the disc, the pads normally stay intact with the rotor. This is crucial since the pistons in the brakes have a larger diameter than those in the master cylinder. In case the pistons retract into their cylinders, the brake pedal might require several applications to be able to pump enough fluid into the brake cylinder so as to engage the brake pads (Gilles, 2005). The type of brake rotor one buys depends greatly on the type of vehicle that one drives, as well as the type of driving one does. For instance, carbon reinforced rotors were the most commonly used discs in racing cars such as in Formula One racing cars. This is based on its ability to get heated up to high temperatures needed for proper braking. However, this is no longer the case as it has been replaced by the carbon-fiber reinforced ceramic brake rotor, which is the most preferred for use currently in racing cars. This is attributed to its high performance on the road. For example, high performance cars such as the latest Porsche Carrera GT, Corvette ZR1, and Ferrari Enzo use ceramic
Sunday, February 2, 2020
World War 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
World War 2 - Essay Example Roosevelt went into the conference with the agenda of trying to influence the Soviet Union to join in the war in the Pacific where the United States almost single-handedly fought Japan. He was of the belief that if Russia were to enter the war on its side, then it would be much easier for the allies to defeat the Imperial military of Japan and force the latter to surrender. Roosevelt desired to end the war with Japan with minimal American casualties and the participation of the Soviet Union would have made this possible (Berthon & Potts285). Stalin, because of his relatively strong position, declared that the only way that he would agree to declare war on Japan would be if the United States recognised the Mongolian Peoples Republic as an independent state and that all of the islands which Russia had ceded to Japan after their war in 1902, namely the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands, were returned.These conditions were agreed to by the other participants in the conference and it has remaine d controversial ever since because China, the biggest loser in their implementation, was not consulted. Furthermore, Roosevelt and Stalin reached an agreement to keep the Korean peninsula in one piece once the Soviet Union became involved in the Pacific arena. Stalin agreed to enter the war with Japan some three months after the fall of Germany so that the Soviet Union could be able to marshal itself sufficient to help the United States invade the Japanese home territory. Stalin agreed to the proposition that the Soviet Union join the United Nations and this guarantee was secured through the Soviet Union is one of the nations which had the veto power in the Security Council; ensuring that all of the decisions that it did not agree with were blocked (Schlesinger185). During this conference, the three leaders agreed to create spheres of influence in the postwar Europe with each of them having zones to occupy within Germany and this agreement ensured that these three nations upheld the ir supremacy over the entire European continent. In conclusion, the discussion above has shown that the Yalta Conference was held by the Big Three, in a bid to discuss the development of a postwar order of Europe after the defeat of Germany.Each of the leaders went into the conference with their own agenda and it should be noted that before this conference, the Soviet Union had attained great strides and was close to capturing the German capital, meaning that Stalin was in an especially strong position in the Yalta conference and the attendees from Britain and the United States realised that they were in a weak position to oppose his demands.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Secrets in Conjugal Relationships Essay -- Literary Analysis
â€Å"Is it always a betrayal to talk about your husband with another man? What about girlfriends or astrologists?†(Dormen). In modern society, people’s feelings and desires are limited by rules of law and morality, especially when they relate to marriage and conjugal relationships. In The Storm, Kate Chopin raised a moral issue of adultery between characters of the short novel-Calixta and Alcee. She discussed the questions based on the metaphor of storm and the lack of passion in Calixta and Bobinot’s marriage. Similarly, in A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen scrutinized an issue of a marriage lacking love. He depicted relationships between Nora and Torvald and showed how imperious attitude and misunderstandings ruined conjugal relationships eventually. Both stories are connected by a common problem of secrets that arose from misunderstandings between the spouses. They solved the problem of misunderstanding in different ways, depending on cultural and personal distinctions of the characters. Therefore, the stories ended differently. Chopin concluded that the adulterous act made positive short-term changes in the marriage depicted in The Storm. In contrast, Ibsen ended his play A Doll’s House by stating that lack of understanding and communication led to the marriage collapse. In her short novel The Storm, Chopin explained how an extramarital affair between Calixta and Alcee became a factor benefiting the marriage. Chopin ended the story with the words, â€Å"So the storm passed, and everyone was happy†(123). The story is interesting not only because of the conclusion that infidelity had a beneficial short-term outcome to the family relationships, but also by intricacies that resulted in the happy end. In the middle of the novel, Chopin utiliz... unrevealed because of her naivety, passionate and pure love to the husband, did not contain any vicious deeds or intentions. However, upon revealing the secret, the true attitude of the couple to each other uncovered and Nora preferred to live alone to life with the husband who called her a criminal and decided to part with her for a formal mistake that saved him love. Works Cited Bartee, Johanna. The Storm: More Than Just a Story. Virginia Wesleyan College , n. d. Web. 09 May 2012. Chopin, Kate. The Storm. Freewebs Com, n.d. Web. 09 May 2012. Goldman, Emma. The Social Significance of the Modern Drama. Berkeley. Edu, n.d. Web. 09 May 2012. Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House. Ed. Jim Manis. The Pennsylvania State University, 2010. Web. 09 May 2012. Dormen, Lesley. Secrets and Lies: The Truth About Conjugal Discretion. Hearst Communications. 26 July 2010.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Research Topic: Listeria Monocytogenes, Haemophilus Influenzae, and Mycobacterium Ulcerans
Research Topic: Listeria monocytogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, and Mycobacterium ulcerans Part 1: Listeria monocytogenes Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that is originated in food and can cause the serious illness of Listeriosis. Listeriosis is a serious disease for humans; the overt form of the disease has a mortality rate greater than 25 percent1. This is a Gram-positive bacterium, and is mobile by means of flagella. Listeria monocytogenes can be found in nature in soil, water and animal feces, meaning it can be also be tracked to animals.In addition to humans, at least 42 species of wild and domestic mammals and 17 types of birds can harbor listeria monocytogenes as well as crustaceans, fish, oysters, ticks, and flies. It is also reportedly carried in the intestinal tract of 5-10% of the human population without any apparent symptoms of disease1. Listeria monocytogenes is able to resist the deleterious effects of freezing, drying, and heat remarkably well for a bacterium th at does not form spores2. A human can consume this bacterium by eating a raw vegetable that grew in infected soil, or by eating improperly processed deli meats and unpasteurized milk products3.Healthy people rarely become ill from listeria monocytogenes infection. Possible complications due to the bacteria are blood infections and inflammation of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain (meningitis). Other side effects that may develop are typical cold or flu-like symptoms. The real risk of infection is in the elderly, new born children, and pregnant women. During pregnancy, a listeria monocytogenes infection is likely to cause only mild signs and symptoms in the mother. The consequences for the baby, however, may be devastating.The baby may die unexpectedly before birth or experience a life-threatening infection within the first few days after birth3. The dangerous factor about the listeria monocytogenes is that the bacterium is able to grow in fresh food. The organisms can gr ow at 4o C which means that organism replication continues in refrigerated foods4. Therefore it is impossible for someone to know if he/she is purchasing food that 100% does not contain this bacterium. The current method the FDA uses to analyze food for possible contamination is complex and time consuming. The method requires 24 and 48 hours of enrichment, followed by a variety of other tests.Total time to identification is from 5 to 7 days, but the announcement of specific non-radiolabeled DNA probes should soon allow a simpler and faster confirmation of suspect isolates. With new DNA technology may even permit 2-3 day positive analysis in the future. Currently, FDA is collaborating in adapting its methodology to quantitate very low numbers of the organisms in foods2. This should drastically help prevent diseases that are caused through food consumption. Cases of Listeriosis in humans were not reported till about 1960, as the infection was only previous seen in animals.In 1981, the re was an outbreak that involved over 100 people in Canada. Thirty-four of the infections occurred in pregnant women, among whom there were 9 stillbirths, 23 infants born infected, and only two live healthy births. Among 77 non-pregnant adults who developed overt disease, there was nearly 30% mortality. The source of the outbreak was coleslaw produced by a local manufacturer1. Even with increasing awareness of the bacteria and ways to prevent it from getting into food through processes developed by the FDA, there have still been recent outbreaks.As of October 26, 2012, there have been twenty people reportedly hospitalized due to the listeria monocytogenes bacterium in 13 different states and the District of Columbia. Nine of the illnesses were related to a pregnancy; three of these illnesses were diagnosed in newborns. The other 13 ill persons range in age from 30 years to 87 years, with a median age of 77 years. Four deaths have been reported, one each from Minnesota, New York, Neb raska, and California4. An investigation was conducted by officials in local, state, and federal public health agencies to see what may have caused this outbreak.They came to the conclusion that an imported brand of Frescolina ricotta salata cheese distributed by Forever Cheese, Inc. is the likely source of this outbreak of Listeriosis. In interviews, ill persons answered questions about foods consumed and other exposures in the month before becoming ill. Twelve of fourteen sick people interviewed reported consuming a soft cheese4. The investigation focused on identifying intact cheeses shipped to multiple retail locations where ill persons purchased cut and repackaged cheese. There is no report of a direct link to one specific retailer or location of where the cheese was produced.No one cheese was reported by the majority of ill persons, suggesting that cross-contamination of other cheeses through cutting boards and utensils may have played a role. The investigation focused on iden tifying intact cheeses shipped to multiple retail locations where ill persons purchased cut and repackaged cheese4. There is still a chance of more ill people being reported because it can take up to 2 months after eating contaminated food for Listeriosis to develop. Works Cited: 1. Todar K. 2012. Listeria monocytogenes. Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology. 1-3 2. [FDA] Federal Drug Administration. 012. Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook: Listeria monocytogenes. Bad Bug Book. 3. http://www. mayoclinic. com/print/listeria-infection/DS00963/DSECTION=all&METHOD=print 4. [CDC} Center of Disease Control. 2012. Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Imported Frescolina Marte Brand Ricotta Salata Cheese. Listeria (Listeriosis). Part 2: Haemophilus influenzae Just by looking at the name of the bacterium Haemophilus influenza, one would guess this is the microbe that causes influenza. It was first found during the influenza pandemic of 1890.It wa s mistakenly thought to be the cause of the disease influenza, and it was named accordingly. Probably, H. influenzae was an important secondary invader to the influenza virus in the 1890 pandemic, as it has been during many subsequent influenza epidemics1. There are similarities between human influenza virus and H. influenzae, as was observed in infant rats. H. influenzae is a small Gram negative bacillus which can be grown on chocolate agar (heated blood)2. H. influenzae is highly adapted to its human host. It is present in approximately 75 percent of healthy children and adults.It is rarely encountered in the oral cavity, and it has not been detected in any other animal species1. A minority of healthy individuals have H. influenzae type b encapsulated in their upper respiratory tract. Haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib, is a bacterium estimated to be responsible for some three million serious illnesses and an estimated 386,000 deaths per year, mainly through meningitis and pneu monia3. Most victims are children under the age of five. Sickness due to these bacteria is most common in underdeveloped or third-world countries.This is where the vast majority of Hib deaths occur. Hib can cause infections such as pneumonia, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis, and meningitis. Pneumonia accounts for a larger number of deaths than meningitis. However, Hib meningitis is more of a serious problem in first world countries. It leaves 15 to 35% of survivors with permanent disabilities such as mental retardation or deafness3. If a H. influenzae infection goes untreated, it will almost certainly kill the individual. The body’s immune system is incapable of fighting off the effects of the bacteria.The good news is virtually all patients treated early in the course of H. influenzae meningitis are cured. The mortality rate of other Hib infections is less than 10 percent, but nearly 30 percent of the children who recover have residual neurologic effects1. Ampicillin is typical ly the drug used to fight Hib, but there have been strands of Hib found to be immune to it, so other drugs developed and used successfully in treatment. Before 1985, Hib was the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children under 5 years of age (approximately 12,000 cases per year, most in children younger than 18 months).Approximately 5% of affected children died, and different neurological problems developed in 15% to 30% of the surviving children. An additional estimated 7,500 cases of other invasive Hib infections also occurred annually in young children. The cumulative risk for a Hib invasive disease before the age of 5 was one in 200 children. The first Hib vaccines were licensed for use in the United States in 1985. These vaccines contained purified polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP). PRP vaccines were ineffective in children less than 18 months of age because of the T-cell-independent nature of the immune response to PRP polysaccharide1.Research proved that this vacc ine was effective in the body being immune to Hib. In 1989, the first Hib conjugate vaccines were licensed for use among children 15 months of age or older. In 1990, two new vaccines were approved for use among infants1. The incidence of Hib invasive disease among children aged 4 years or younger has declined by 98% since the introduction of Hib conjugate vaccines. However there are still hundreds of thousands of children die each year from a disease related to Hib. There are two major obstacles when trying to prevent Hib, the shortage of both information and money.The information shortage is largely due to the difficulty of diagnosing Hib disease; it claims most of its victims without ever being recognized. In addition, Hib vaccine is more expensive to produce and thus more highly priced than classic childhood vaccines. It costs roughly seven times the total cost of vaccines against measles, polio, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis4. The Hib vaccine should be distrib uted to all children during their first few years of life just like other types of vaccines. More than 90% of infants obtain long term immunity with 2-3 doses of the vaccine1.With a strong statistic like that most parents would not hesitate to have the vaccine given to their children. The issue is not all doctors are recommending the vaccine and they do not have it available to them in order to give to their patients. A few common misconceptions about the particular vaccine for Hib are that it can prevent ear infections and meningitis. It is not clear if the particular vaccine can reduce the likelihood of ear infections, but there is no evidence to say it prevents it. As for meningitis, there are different types of bacteria that can cause it and the vaccine only protects against the H. nfluenzae bacteria itself. Children must receive other vaccines to be fully immune to meningitis. Works Cited: 1. Todar K. 2012. Haemophilus influenzae and Hib Meningitis. Todar’s Online Textbo ok of Bacteriology. 1-4 2. Ghaffar A, 2010, Bacteriology Chapter 18: Bordetella, Haemophilus and Legionella. Microbiology and Immunology On-Line. 3. http://www. who. int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs294/en/index. html 4. Musher DM. Haemophilus Species. In: Baron S, editor. Medical Microbiology. 4th edition. Galveston (TX): University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; 1996. Chapter 30. Part 3: Mycobacterium ulceransWe commonly think of an ulcer as a small, yet painful sore that develops on lips, inside mouths, or other places of the body. These are common, and are generally not serious in nature as they heal on their own. However there are other types of ulcers that are more serious that are caused by bacterial infections. The Mycobacterium ulcerans, is a bacterium that causes large ulcers to form on the skin on different parts of the body. The infection due to the type of bacterium is called the Buruli ulcer. This may range from a painless nodule to large, ulcerative lesions that he al spontaneously but slowly.Along with scarring and deterioration of the skin, a severe enough case of it can lead to permanent bone damage. After tuberculosis and leprosy, the Buruli ulcer is the most common mycobacterial infection of humans1. The mode of transmission is not known, but recent evidence suggests that aquatic insects and fish, and even different types of animals such as koalas, possums, horses, cats and dogs may be able to carry the bacteria2. Open wounds on the skin seem to be the most logical way the organism enters the body. There is little proven evidence of bacteria being able to be spread through human to human touch2.About 70% of those affected are children under the age of 15 years2. Mortality due to the disease is low; however the likelihood of permanent scarring and amputation is high. The disease is mostly found in only is Western Africa and Australia. Prevalence rates have been estimated at 16% in some communities in the Ivory Coast and at 22% in a communi ty in Ghana2. A few cases have been reported in non-endemic areas in North America and Europe, most likely as a result of international travel. Lack of familiarity with the Buruli ulcer has frequently resulted in significant delays in the diagnosis and treatment of these cases.The current economic and social burden imposed by the Buruli ulcer is enormous. Skilled surgery, expert post-operative nursing care, and restorative physiotherapy are often required to achieve good outcomes3. In Ghana, the average cost of treatment per patient is estimated to be $ 7802. This may not seem like a lot to us for the severity of disease, but in countries like Ghana not many people can afford this, or the cost or accessibility to the proper drugs is beyond the ability of the doctors in their health care system.There are many graphic pictures that can easily be found on Google that show people who do not have the ability to get their infection treated. These are the types of people with the most seve re side effects. Untreated Buruli ulcer will eventually subside with the gradual development of host immunity in most cases. However, by this time, tissue damage may be very extensive and healing by scar can lead to permanent functional and cosmetic deformity3. Successful treatment will shorten the course of the disease and minimize deformity.In recent years, research has been conducted to see where the microbe may have originated, and what it genetically contains. Unlike Hib, which was discussed in part 2, there is currently no vaccine on the market to prevent people from getting the Buruli ulcer. Scientists have been working on three different vaccine candidates: mycolactone-directed vaccines, attenuated live vaccines, and subunit protein vaccines4. An M. ulcerans bacterium causes harm through its toxin mycolactone; therefore a vaccine directed against this toxin may provide protection. Several constructs are under development and confer some protection in mice4.These recent findi ngs have been a big step forward in the understanding of the mechanisms by which mycolactone mediates its biological effects in the skin. However, it is not at the stage to be tested on people yet. There have also been developments of vaccines in Switzerland of a different kind. This kind of vaccine uses ‘typical' parts of the mycobacterium as target for the immune systems, instead of complete mycobacteria4. There is a lot less chance of negative side effects, but it is not always as effective. In test results, it has shown to be effective in preventing the growth of the M. lcerans in the short term, but the effects wear off and the vaccine would have to be re-administered. Even with all the progress toward a new vaccine, the problem still exists of how it would be properly administered. The areas that are most affected, as stated earlier, would not be able to afford these vaccinations for their children. The only area with the epidemic of the Buruli ulcers that could extremel y benefit from the possible development of vaccinations would be southern Australia. For this reason I believe other projects will be prioritized higher because of more economic benefit to the developers and sellers.Works Cited: 1. van der Werf TS, van der Graaf WT, Tappero JW, Asiedu K. 1999 Sep 18. Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. PubMed. gov. 2. Poraels F, Johnson P, Meyers WM. 2001. Buruli Ulcer: Diagnosis of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease. WHO. 3-6 3. Johnson PDR, Stinear T, Small PLC, Pluschke G, Merritt RW, et al. (2005) Buruli Ulcer (M. ulcerans Infection): New Insights, New Hope for Disease Control. PLoS Med 2(4): e108. doi:10. 1371/journal. pmed. 0020108 4. http://www. news-medical. net/news/20120419/BuruliVac-project-getting-closer-to-a-vaccine. aspx
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Data Transfer Over The Internet - 2097 Words
The Internet of Things, or the IoT is envisioned as a ubiquitous society wherein people and devices (referred to as Things) are connected in a riveting networked computing environment viz. Internet , with the connected â€Å"Things†providing utility to people/enterprises through various intelligent commercial and social services. Large chunks of data is generated for devices to communicate with each other to facilitate the Internet Of Things. Data transfer over the Internet is usually a power hungry process. With ever growing necessity of utilizing energy in a more efficient way it is not only important to communicate data at a faster rate but also do so in a very low energy consuming method. This report employs one such method which utilizes the fact that most of the data communicated by the IoT devices processes and services is irregular and generally concentrated over a short duration of time. This method focuses on adapting the duty cycle of these processes/devices so that they are asleep during large periods of inactivity. The report also investigates the Low power consumption system thus obtained as a standalone system running on the energy provided by a Energy Harvestor(PV CELL) .Cost considerations limit the size of the energy harvestor used which affects the power provided by it ,thus the system is so designed such that the energy harvestor is able to run the system during sleep while energy storing elements power the system during its active cycle. This meansShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Changed The Way Of Companies1302 Words  | 6 PagesInternet technology has changed the way that companies commonly information to their employees, customers, shareholders and suppliers. 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